Archivos diarios: 04/19/2013

Ubuntu Community Survey 2013 (By Nathan Heafner)


Today I got in touch with Nathan Heafner, a community member who is actively participating, and wanted me to leave you with this message:

«With Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) being released this month we are knee deep in beta testing, bug tracking, and testing out new features. With all this testing going on, it’s important for us to stand back, take a few minutes, and examine ourselves and our community. Thus, the Ubuntu Community Survey.

Generally speaking, this survey encompasses questions around contributions to Ubuntu, the drivers for those contributions, and general user data (age, gender). With this data we hope to better understand our growing community and refocus resources where they are most needed.

The survey should take less than 3 minutes to complete, and the results will be released to the public for review. Your survey submission is greatly appreciated. There will be a follow up blog…

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