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Everything Ready for the Ubucon LatinAmerica! :D


UbuconLA T-shirts


UbuconLA Labels

Working Hard!

More news soon….

System 76 Stickers at the UbunconLatinAmerica 2014

If you want to have the most beautiful stickers in your laptop , this is the opportunity!

You can find the amazing System76 Stickers at the Ubuconla2014 for free!!!! 😀

System76 Stickers

System76 Stickers

Thanks to System76 for this amazing gift!


Si te gusta tener hermosos stickers en tu laptop, esta es tu oportunidad!

Ubucon LatinAmerica Speakers! #1

Ubucon LatinAmerica speakers list is here! This is the first post about our Speakers.

1- Bhavani Shankar

He is coming from India, he has an amazing background as Ubuntu Developer and member of the Ubuntu Loco Council.

He will talk about «Ubuntu Developing for Dummies» Esp:»Desarrollo de Ubuntu para dummies». We will learn about all the components of Ubuntu, coding and making own our software and much more!

You can find more information about him in his wikipage:
Information in Spanish:

2- Marcos Alvarez Costales

He is Linux Developer and Works with Ubuntu Spain Community, founder and developer of Gufw ( ) , Pylang, Folder Color and the Weapp for Telegram.

His conferences will be about Linux Security and how to create your own WebAppps in Ubuntu.

You can find more information about him in his wikipage:
Information in Spanish:

3- Fernando Lanero

Teacher, administrator of , worked with migrations in education centers to Ubuntu. His talk called «Linux is Education, Linux is Science» , Spanish: «Linux es Educación, Linux es Ciencia»

Information in Spanish:

4- Fernando García Amen

Information in Spanish:

5- Darwin Proaño Orellana

IT engineer from Universidad del Azuay and President of CloudIT Ecuador, his talks will be about «freee-clouds» and «How to migrate from Windows in a safety mode»

As you know the Ubucon LatinAmerica will be on August 14th until 16th.

You can find all the information about the UbuconLA in our website or the wikipage.

El Material Grafico Oficial de la Ubucon LatinAmerica 2014 Ya Disponible!

Saludos compañeros!

El comité organizador de la UbuconLatinoAmerica en su edición 2014 y la comunidad de Ubuntu Colombia, se complace de presentar finalmente el material gráfico para esta edición.

Se pueden descargar desde aquí o en su tamaño completo en la wiki oficial.

Agradecemos especialmente al diseñador William Lázaro por tan magnifico trabajo!

Por ultimo recordarles que si tienen algun comentario y/o sugerencia, Se puede contactar la organizacion mediante el mail:

Recuperar GRUB o Repararlo en Ubuntu 14.04

Post actualizado en mi nuevo blog:

[Solucionado:] Agregar icono de Skype al panel de nofiticaciones en Unity/Ubuntu14.04

Una de las aplicaciones que mas utilizo por cuestiones de trabajo es Skype y apenas instale mi nuevo ubuntu 14.04 me dispuse a instalarlo (ver como instalar skype en ubuntu) la integracion con el Dash y el panel lateral de Unity es perfecto pero tenia un inconveniente, que no aparecia el icono en el area de notificaciones, asi que no podria ver si tenia mensajes pendientes ni cambiar estados de manera rapida.

La solución fue bastante sencilla, basta con instalar los siguientes paquetes una vez isntalado Skype:

#apt-get install sni-qt:i386
#apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine:i386

Reinicias el equipo o reanudas la sesión y aparece el icono en el panel superior de notificaciones!

Espero les sirva y nos vemos en otra oportunidad.

Ubuntu and Canonical will be present in the Ubucon LatinAmerica

UbuconLA is happy to announce that Canonical and the Ubuntu Community will be sponsors in this version 2014.

Also, the Ubuntu Community will be present in the event with members from Spain, India, Uruguay, Venezuela, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, giving talks and workshops… the perfect place to learn a lot about Linux, Ubuntu ,Community, all in this amazing event.



You can find more information about the UbuconLA in the official site and wikipage

Ubucon LatinAmerica is coming!

UbuConLA is an international event which happens every year and it is held in different parts of Latin America. This year UbuconLA will be in the beautiful city of  Cartagena / Colombia. With the following objectives:

  • Sharing the experiences and skills acquired in corporate environments by specialists from Latin America in several projects and contexts.
  • Showing the level reached by Ubuntu GNU / Linux and professionals working in business environments, as well as consultants, users or systems managers.
  • Technically and socially integrate users and specialists from Latin America, both for acquisition of new knowledge and skills and taking advantage of the creation business opportunities in the region.
  • Spreading the Ubuntu spirit throughout Latin America.
  • Institutionalizing UbuConLA as «The Annual Ubuntu Event «for Latin America.

The 2014 edition will be held in Cartagena, Colombia, at the Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar on the 14 and 16 of August 2014.

This edition of the UbuConLA will be having people from, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and Spain.

Besides if you want to be an speaker, visit

And always is good to see Jono’s messages 😀 (this for ubuconla2013)

More news and updates on our social networks:

You can get more information on our website or contact email the organizers at: ubuconla2013 [AT] ubuconla [DOT] org

[Solucionado: ] Montar Sistemas de Archivos Exfat en Ubuntu

Entrada Actualizada en mi nuevo blog:

Referencias Acerca de Rhaegar Targaryen – Juego de Tronos – Spoilers!!!

Post actualizado en mi blog: